The First 100 Days of an ABM Program

The First 100 Days of ABM

Executing an Account-Based Marketing (ABM) marketing campaign is a game-changer for B2B organizations aiming to fuel targeted growth and cultivate impactful connections with key accounts.

The initial 100 days of launching an ABM program not only shape the trajectory but also serve as a crucial litmus test for success. In this blog post, Unlimited Mixed Marketing highlights key foundational elements. When implemented with precision, these elements almost always pave the way for a prosperous ABM program.

We offer a reliable onboarding system and abm consulting that effectively organizes and prioritizes your goals while creating your ABM program, and you can expect campaigns to be up and running within 4-6 weeks.

Step One

Define Clear Objectives and Goals: 

First, we extend invitations to the appropriate teams, inviting them to participate in a series of workshops aimed at ensuring alignment among all stakeholders on key aspects.

The Workshops

Top of Funnel (TOF) Workshop:

In the Top of Funnel (TOF) workshop, our focus is on identifying and prioritizing target accounts. This collaborative session brings together marketing and sales teams to establish criteria aligning with the overall business strategy. Key components include:

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): We refine and update the ICP to accurately mirror high-value customer characteristics.

Account Selection Criteria: Criteria for selecting accounts are established based on factors such as revenue potential, industry fit, and strategic alignment.

Account Prioritization: We prioritize target accounts based on conversion likelihood and their contribution to overall business goals.

Content Strategy for Awareness: Content strategies are discussed and outlined to capture the attention of target accounts in the awareness stage.

Middle of Funnel (MOF) Workshop:

The Middle of Funnel (MOF) workshop delves into strategies and tactics for engaging and nurturing leads in the pipeline.

Key components of this workshop include:

Lead Scoring and Qualification: Develop lead scoring models to identify and prioritize leads most likely to convert.

Content Mapping for Consideration: Create a content map guiding the development of materials to move leads through the consideration phase.

Sales and Marketing Collaboration: Define the handoff process between marketing and sales for a seamless transition of leads.

Technology Stack for Engagement: Identify and integrate technologies supporting engagement and lead nurturing. 

Bottom of Funnel (BOF) Workshop:

The Bottom of Funnel (BOF) workshop focuses on converting leads into customers and optimizing strategies for closing deals. Key discussions include:

Sales Enablement: Develop sales enablement materials and tools supporting sales teams in the closing stage.

Personalization Strategies: Explore advanced personalization techniques for specific accounts in the final funnel stages.

Objection Handling: Anticipate common objections and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Metrics for Conversion: Define and align on key metrics to measure bottom-funnel activity success.

Retention & Expansion (R&E) Workshop:

The Retention & Expansion (R&E) workshop centers on strategies to retain customers and expand relationships for long-term growth. Components include:

Customer Success and Account Management Alignment: Foster collaboration between customer success and account management teams for a unified approach.

Cross-Selling and Upselling Strategies: Develop strategies to identify opportunities within existing accounts.

Customer Advocacy Programs: Discuss the implementation of customer advocacy programs for referrals and case studies.

Metrics for Retention and Expansion: Define and align on key metrics to measure customer satisfaction, retention rates, and expansion opportunities.

Through these ABM Workshops, organizations ensure shared understanding and goals at each funnel stage, fostering alignment and collaboration across teams. This collaborative approach establishes a solid foundation for the successful execution of an ABM program, maximizing impact on growth and revenue objectives.

Related blog: Top Ten Best Practices for Sales and Marketing Alignment

Typically, we allocate about a week or two for the facilitation of these workshops. Following that, our team kicks off the process of creating exceptionally tailored and targeted campaigns.

Step Two

Segmentation and Personalization Strategy:

We assist you in categorizing your target accounts into groups with common characteristics, needs, and behaviors. Subsequently, we support the creation of personalized messages and content customized for each segment. The more we tailor and make our communication relevant, the greater the likelihood of capturing your audience's attention and forming meaningful connections.

Step Three 

Content Strategy and Development:

Creating impactful content is a key element in successful ABM. We focus on developing content that truly connects with your target accounts, addressing the specific challenges they face. This encompasses crafting case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and other assets that not only showcase our understanding of their industry but also provide valuable insights.

Step Four

Select and Implement Technology Stack:

We support you every step of the way as you invest in the right technology stack to bolster your ABM efforts. This may involve incorporating account-based advertising platforms, CRM integrations, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms into your arsenal. Our expertise extends to navigating most ABM platforms, ensuring a seamless integration that provides a unified view of your ABM activities.

Step Five

Pilot Campaigns and Measure Performance:

Launch pilot campaigns to test your strategies and tactics. Jointly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and pipeline growth. We use these insights to refine your approach and optimize future campaigns.

Written by Raycheal Proctor

Don't forget to schedule a time to discuss how UMM can help align your business for success. We are EXPERTS at extracting and polishing data to make your marketing/sales efforts fruitful. 

Our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and innovative solutions to propel your business forward in today's competitive landscape. 

Dare to Dream, and Achieve Brilliance 


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