Setting The Foundation: Overcoming & Avoiding Challenging Salesforce Setups Part 2.

In our previous blog post, It All Falls Down: Common Salesforce Situations to Know and Avoid, we set the stage for a common theme that takes place in many Salesforce Setups. We talked about the common pitfalls many organizations, especially those operating in the B2B space face. 

Disjointed configurations, misaligned objectives, and interdepartmental standoffs are just a few ways companies squander the organizational potential of Salesforce. 

Now, journey with Unlimited Mixed Marketing shares the framework of how we were able to identify common design flaws in organizations' setups. We are able to execute a proven framework to not only fix, but improve how companies and departments utilize Salesforce. 

Act 1 

Houston, We Have a Problem 

One of the central issues we encountered was the presence of disjointed configurations within their Salesforce setups. This means that different aspects of their Salesforce accounts, such as 

  • data fields 

  • automation rules 

  • reporting structures 

were not working together seamlessly. 

Instead, they often operated in isolation, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of synergy in their ABM efforts.

Another common challenge was the misalignment of objectives, especially between departments, among these clients. While they all aimed to improve their ABM initiatives, their specific 

  • goals 

  • strategies

  • key performance indicators (KPIs) 

often lacked synchronization. This lack of alignment made it difficult to measure progress effectively and hindered their ability to make data-driven decisions to optimize their ABM campaigns.

Related Reading: Top Ten Best Practices for Sales and Marketing Alignment

Act 2

The Right Stuff

Recognizing the critical nature of the problem, we made a dedicated commitment to tackle this challenge head-on. Our primary goal was to discover a robust solution that would enable our clients to fully leverage the capabilities of Salesforce while avoiding the recurring issues that had previously hampered their success.

In pursuit of this mission, we initiated a collaborative effort that involved engaging experts from a wide range of domains and enlisting the expertise of Salesforce agencies. We understood that resolving the complexities associated with Salesforce and ABM required a multifaceted approach. By harnessing the collective knowledge and experience of specialists in various relevant fields, we aimed to bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to the table.

This lengthy collaborative endeavor allowed us to tap into the insights and best practices of individuals who possessed in-depth expertise in Salesforce configurations, ABM strategies, and related technologies. We were about to devise comprehensive and tailored solutions that would not only address the existing issues but also empower our clients to maximize the potential of Salesforce in alignment with their specific objectives.

Our determination to bridge the gap between disjointed configurations and misaligned objectives has led us to forge partnerships and assemble a dedicated team of professionals. 

Schedule a free consultation today.

This collaborative approach positions us at the forefront of addressing these challenges and guiding our clients toward more effective and efficient Salesforce implementations, ultimately enabling them to achieve their ABM goals more successfully.

Act 3 

Outside, Insight

We reached out to six distinct Salesforce Development and Consulting (SFDC) agencies to gain insights into their approaches to Salesforce implementation. What we uncovered was enlightening: 

The majority of these agencies, much like our clients, took a passive approach by inquiring about their clients' preferences for building Salesforce. 

This recurring pattern lay at the core of the issue.

Armed with a more profound comprehension of the problem, we embarked on a year-long collaborative research journey. We assembled a team of professionals from various disciplines, each contributing their unique expertise in Salesforce, architecture, dependencies, and best practices.

Program Development Process Overview:

1. Insights Gathering: 

We conducted interviews with experts from Salesforce agencies, Salesforce MVPs, and professionals experienced in complex B2B Salesforce implementations. This phase enabled us to amass a diverse range of insights and perspectives.

2. Case Study Analysis: 

We examined both successful and unsuccessful real-world Salesforce implementation case studies, dissecting the key elements that led to success or failure. Identifying commonalities and critical success factors was our focus.

3. Framework Design: 

Our research culminated in the creation of a comprehensive framework outlining best practices for Salesforce B2B architecture. This framework covers data modeling, integration, workflow automation, and reporting.

4. Iterative Testing: 

We rigorously tested the program in real-world scenarios, collaborating closely with a select group of clients to implement these best practices and monitor the outcomes.

5. Feedback and Refinement: 

Actively seeking input from clients and industry experts, we continuously refined and improved the program through an iterative process.

The Final Act

The Finished Product

After a year of dedicated collaboration, we are excited to present our Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program. This program serves as a comprehensive guide for B2B organizations seeking effective Salesforce implementation. It provides the means to steer clear of common pitfalls that often lead to problematic Salesforce experiences, fostering a cohesive, efficient, and results-oriented CRM system.

Salesforce has the potential to be a game-changer for B2B brands, yet its success hinges on a strategic and well-planned approach. Our journey, from issue recognition to the development of the Best Practice Salesforce B2B Architecture Program, underscores our commitment to assisting clients in navigating the intricacies of CRM implementation. 

With this program, we aspire to arm B2B brands with the knowledge and tools essential for transforming Salesforce into a valuable asset, rather than a costly headache.

Ready to boost your marketing strategy and Salesforce experience? 

Say goodbye to common pitfalls and hello to success with Unlimited Mixed Marketing.

Don't miss out – get started now and take your business to the next level!

Written by Raycheal Proctor

Don't forget to schedule a time to discuss how UMM can help align your business for success. We are EXPERTS at extracting and polishing data to make your marketing/sales efforts fruitful. 

Our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and innovative solutions to propel your business forward in today's competitive landscape. 

Dare to Dream, and Achieve Brilliance 


4 Ways Paid Search & ABM Should Work Together in Your Brand Awareness Campaign


It All Falls Down: Common Salesforce Situations to Know and Avoid