4 Ways Paid Search & ABM Should Work Together in Your Brand Awareness Campaign

At Unlimited Mixed Marketing, our philosophy revolves around adopting a comprehensive 360° approach when it comes to campaign planning and execution. While Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is our primary focus, we firmly believe that integrating and harnessing the potential of all marketing channels is essential. This holistic strategy ensures that our clients benefit from a well-rounded and impactful marketing campaign, making the most of every avenue to engage their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives.

Let’s discuss the brand awareness stage and explore how we can leverage both paid search and ABM strategies to make a lasting impact. 

Brand awareness is the measure of how effectively a target audience recognizes and recalls a brand. Recognition involves identifying a brand when presented with its elements, while recall means remembering it without visual cues. High brand awareness carries numerous advantages, including increased trust, customer loyalty, a competitive edge, and enhanced brand equity. It primarily evolves through marketing and advertising endeavors.

In the realm of brand awareness, two key levels come into play:

Brand Recognition:

This is the foundational level, signifying consumers' capacity to recognize a brand when exposed to its name, logo, or other identifying elements. It indicates an awareness of the brand's existence, even if a deep understanding of its products or services may be lacking.

Brand Recall:

At this higher level, consumers not only recognize the brand but can recall it from memory without visual cues. This signifies a stronger and deeper connection with the brand.

The significance of brand awareness is evident in the array of benefits it can bring to a business:

Customer Trust:

Familiarity with a brand often breeds trust, with consumers more inclined to choose a brand they recognize and trust.

Customer Loyalty:

Brands with high awareness levels tend to enjoy increased repeat business and customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantage:

Well-known brands can stand out in a crowded marketplace, gaining a competitive edge.

Brand Equity:

Over time, robust brand awareness can elevate brand equity, permitting a company to command premium prices for its products or services.

As we combine our paid search and ABM strategies, it's essential to recognize and harness the strengths of each approach effectively.

ABM (Account-Based Marketing) for Brand Awareness:

Highly Targeted Approach:

ABM involves pinpointing a select group of high-value accounts or individuals that are pivotal to your business. This approach ensures that your brand's efforts are concentrated on accounts that matter most. To execute this, you'll need to identify and prioritize these strategic accounts, taking into account their significance to your business.


Personalization is at the heart of ABM. It means crafting messages and content tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the target accounts. This level of personalization creates a deeper and more memorable brand impression. Your task here is to develop personalized content, messaging, and engagement strategies for each target account.

Learn more about personalization with this blog from UMM: 

How to Create the Best Content for Your ABM Audience 

Relationship Building:

ABM isn't a one-time affair; it's about building and nurturing relationships over time. This includes regular follow-ups, customized communications, and sustained engagement efforts. Your action plan should include actionable tasks for maintaining and nurturing these ongoing relationships with the selected accounts.

Long-Term Strategy:

ABM typically takes a long-term perspective. It's ideal for businesses looking to establish strong and lasting brand awareness within specific industries or sectors. As part of your strategy, you need to create a comprehensive ABM campaign calendar with actionable tasks for ongoing nurturing efforts.

Paid Search Advertising for Brand Awareness:

Broad Reach:

Paid search advertising, often executed through platforms like Google Ads, is geared toward reaching a broad and diverse audience. It's effective for generating general brand awareness across a wide spectrum of potential customers. Your actionable tasks here involve setting up and optimizing ad campaigns targeting different demographics, interests, and geographical locations.

Keyword and Interest-Based Targeting:

Paid search ads are rooted in keywords and user interests, not specific accounts. This method is perfect for capturing the attention of users actively seeking products or services related to your brand. Your tasks include extensive keyword research, optimizing ad groups, and aligning your campaigns with user interests.

Immediate Impact:

Paid search ads have the potential to deliver quick brand exposure and visibility. This makes them suitable for businesses seeking immediate results and rapid brand recognition. Your actionable tasks should focus on defining clear objectives and deadlines for promotions, events, or seasonal campaigns requiring swift brand exposure and conversions.

Short-Term Campaigns:

Paid search campaigns are often short-term and goal-oriented. These campaigns are typically used for specific promotions, events, or seasonal initiatives where immediate awareness and conversions are the primary focus. To effectively execute these, you need to create actionable tasks for campaign setup and optimization, closely monitoring performance against your goals.

The choice between ABM and paid search advertising depends on your brand awareness objectives and your target audience. It's a good practice to consider both strategies in tandem to achieve a balanced approach to brand awareness. Crafting a successful brand awareness strategy involves understanding the strengths of each approach and creating actionable tasks to execute these strategies effectively.

Written by Raycheal Proctor

Don't forget to schedule a time to discuss how UMM can help align your business for success. We are EXPERTS at extracting and polishing data to make your marketing/sales efforts fruitful. 

Our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and innovative solutions to propel your business forward in today's competitive landscape. 

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