Strategic Steps for Effective ABM Account Segmentation

Market Segmentation Booklet

When considering the level of personalization you are willing to use when employing your ABM list strategy. Successfully allocating your sales and marketing efforts based on the revenue or any other criteria defined by your company in terms of value that can be derived from the particular customer.

Additionally, any ABM methodology can be further divided into the following methods:

  • one to many 

  • one to few 

  • one to one

One-to-many method

Programmatic ABM, also known as the one-to-many method, is a versatile, scalable form of ABM that employs programmatic customization to scale content personalization. By harnessing data from their CRM, marketers can tailor content at scale, catering to a broader audience while maintaining relevance.

The core objective of programmatic ABM is to elevate engagement levels. Accounts that display a certain level of interaction are promoted to Tier 2, where they gain access to new insights and value-added content. It's important to note that many of the engagement strategies employed in programmatic ABM can seamlessly transition into ABM Lite and Strategic ABM initiatives.

Programmatic ABM excels at categorizing thousands of accounts based on their unique business needs, goals, and challenges. This categorization encompasses customer demographics, internet browsing patterns, ad delivery, and geolocation data.

To streamline this process, marketing teams rely on CRM software, such as Salesforce, and marketing automation tools. These tools empower teams to craft customized content that targets accounts by industry, such as automotive, manufacturing, or education, as well as other broad descriptors like area of expertise, company features, or size.

Best Suited for smaller companies with budget constraints. Its ability to leverage personalization without exhausting extensive time or financial resources offers a cost-effective solution to enhance engagement and drive results.

One-to-few method

ABM Lite, or the one-to-few strategy, presents a targeted sales and marketing approach where the sales team crafts tailored interactions for clusters of accounts sharing similar characteristics. While this method involves high levels of customization, it doesn't exclusively focus on the highest-value accounts.

ABM Lite excels at the spotlight shines on second-tier named accounts. Here, the sales and marketing teams collaboratively select a modest set of five to ten target accounts that exhibit analogous challenges, goals, and needs.

ABM Lite activities revolve around the creation and categorization of ideal customer personas, profiles, and segments. Subsequently, these teams curate bespoke content specifically designed for these select groups.

Best suited for companies equipped with adaptable budgets and the capability to scale resources, such as tools and team members, as the need arises. ABM Lite offers a balanced approach that combines customization with efficiency, making it an attractive choice for organizations seeking targeted engagement.

One-to-one method

Strategic ABM aka the one-to-one strategy, is a hyper-focused technique where sales and marketing build a tailored experience for a single account.

Personalization should be a priority in one-to-one ABM efforts. When it comes to one-on-one ABM, the goal is to either initiate an interaction or influence an account's impression of your brand.

Strategic ABM excels at targeting existing high-value accounts. The sales, marketing, and executive teams sustain and improve their relations with these customers to direct them to buy more expensive or additional products.

The teams decide on one to five accounts with identifiable, unique needs and they prepare hyper-targeted account marketing plans for these accounts. Hyper-targeted marketing is the practice of reaching out to customers and delivering highly customized messages at times when they are most likely to view it. The marketing activities under hyper-targeted account marketing include creating buyer personas to conduct research. Buyer persona, also known as marketing persona, is a semi-fictional representation of a customer including the customer’s goals, personal profile, and buyer journey.

Related Reading: Top Ten Best Practices for Sales and Marketing Alignment.

Best suited for businesses that have a big budget, time, tools, team and high-value existing clients. Strategic ABM requires the most resources and time as it focuses on a single customer over months, and the financial benefits of implementing strategic ABM are measured over years instead of short periods of time.

If you are ready to start with optimizing your account list and would like some help, email us at

Written by Raycheal Proctor

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