Select the Right KPIs by Channel

Understanding the Role of KPIs:

KPIs serve as navigational tools, guiding your marketing efforts towards success. However, selecting the most appropriate KPIs for each channel is crucial to ensure that your strategies align with your business goals. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of choosing the right KPIs and provide insights into selecting them for various marketing channels, including ABM, Radio, CTV, and Traditional methods.

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Aligning KPIs with Business Goals:

Selecting KPIs isn't just about tracking metrics for the sake of it; it's about aligning those metrics with your business objectives. Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or enhance customer engagement, ensure that your chosen KPIs reflect these aspirations.

Regularly Review and Adjust:

The digital landscape is dynamic, and so should be your approach to KPIs. Regularly review your chosen metrics, assess their relevance, and be prepared to adjust them based on shifts in your business goals or industry trends.

Tailoring KPIs to Each Channel:

Every marketing channel has its unique characteristics and objectives. Let's explore some common marketing channels and the KPIs that are most relevant to them:

ABM (Account-Based Marketing):

  • Account Engagement: Monitor the level of engagement from targeted accounts.

  • Conversion by Account: Measure the rate at which targeted accounts convert.

  • Pipeline Contribution: Assess how ABM contributes to your sales pipeline.


  • Organic Traffic: Monitor the number of visitors from search engines.

  • Keyword Rankings: Track your website's position for targeted keywords.

  • Backlink Quality: Assess the authority and relevance of backlinks.

Email Marketing:

  • Open Rate: Assess the percentage of recipients who opened your email.

  • Conversion Rate: Measure the rate at which email recipients completed the desired action.

  • Bounce Rate: Track the number of emails that were undeliverable.

  • Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR): Evaluate the percentage of opened emails that resulted in clicks.

  • List Growth Rate: Track the rate at which your email subscriber list is expanding.

Paid Advertising

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Evaluate the cost of each click on your ads.

  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Measure the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.

  • Ad Impressions: Track the number of times your ad is viewed.

Related Reading: 4 Ways Paid Search & ABM Should Work Together in Your Brand Awareness Campaign 

Social Media

  • Engagement Rate: Measure likes, comments, and shares to gauge the effectiveness of your content.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track the percentage of users who clicked on your content.

  • Follower Growth: Monitor the increase in your social media audience over time.


  • Reach: Evaluate the number of people exposed to your radio ad.

  • Frequency: Measure how often your target audience hears your radio ad.

  • Call-to-Action Response: Track the response to specific calls-to-action in your radio campaigns.

CTV (Connected TV)

  • Viewership Metrics: Monitor the number of views, completion rates, and unique viewers.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track the percentage of users who interact with your CTV ad.

  • Conversion Tracking: Measure the conversions resulting from your CTV advertising.

Traditional Marketing

  • Brand Awareness: Evaluate the impact of traditional marketing on brand recognition.

  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated through traditional methods.

  • Customer Feedback: Assess customer sentiment and feedback related to traditional marketing efforts.

  • Event Attendance: Measure the number of attendees at events related to traditional marketing efforts.

  • Direct Mail Response Rate: Evaluate the percentage of responses generated by direct mail campaigns.

In the world of digital marketing, success hinges on the ability to measure and adapt. Choosing the most appropriate KPIs for each marketing channel, including ABM, radio, CTV, and traditional methods, is a pivotal step towards achieving your business objectives. 

By understanding the unique characteristics of each channel and aligning your metrics with overarching goals, you can steer your marketing efforts with precision and maximize your return on investment. Stay vigilant, stay adaptive, and let your chosen KPIs be the guiding lights towards sustained success.

Written by Raycheal Proctor

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