Examples of How to Use ABM with Other Marketing Channels

Market Channels Report Paper

The integration of ABM with these various marketing channels and strategies ensures a consistent, cohesive, and highly personalized approach to engaging target accounts. It allows organizations to deliver the right message to the right people through the right channels, increasing the likelihood of successful engagement, conversion, and building lasting relationships. Effective integration of ABM with other marketing channels enhances the overall impact of your marketing efforts and maximizes your return on investment.

Unlimited Mixed Marketing (UMM) believes in incorporating a 360° or omnichannel marketing view in all we do. Join us as we consider different industries and discuss how various marketing channels contribute to an overall successful ABM program.

Content Marketing: 

Content marketing plays a significant role in ABM. The content is customized to address the unique needs and interests of the selected target accounts. This can involve creating industry-specific blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and social media content. By delivering relevant and valuable content, you can engage and nurture target accounts throughout their buying journey.


Create a detailed whitepaper that addresses a specific challenge faced by your target account in the financial services industry. Offer this content as a gated resource on your website, and use it as a lead generation tool for engagement with finance professionals within the account.

Email Marketing: 

ABM aligns email marketing with account-specific messaging. Personalized emails are crafted to deliver tailored content and engage with key decision-makers within the target accounts. This personalization can significantly improve email open rates and response rates.


Craft a personalized email series designed for a specific target account in the healthcare sector. The series could include a case study of how your product improved patient outcomes, a video message from your CEO highlighting the value you can bring to their organization, and an invitation to an exclusive webinar on healthcare trends.

Paid Advertising:

Paid advertising within an ABM strategy is highly targeted. Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and display ads are configured to focus on the selected target accounts. The goal is to raise awareness and generate interest within these accounts, ultimately driving them towards conversion.


Utilize retargeting ads for a software product targeted at a select group of technology companies. Create display ads promoting a limited-time offer exclusive to those accounts, encouraging them to revisit your website and complete a purchase.

Dive Deeper with this blog: ABM & Paid Search: Four Solid Strengths and Their Role in Your Brand Awareness Campaign

Social Media: 

LinkedIn is a social media platform that is used to reach key contacts within target accounts. This involves running advertising campaigns or promoting sponsored content that is directed at specific personas within the target accounts. These efforts can help build brand awareness and engage the accounts.


Run a LinkedIn advertising campaign targeting key decision-makers at an automotive manufacturing company. Develop sponsored content that showcases a success story or testimonial from a similar manufacturer and use the "InMail" feature to deliver personalized messages highlighting your solutions.

Web Personalization: 

ABM includes the personalization of your website for target accounts. When visitors from these accounts access your website, the content, messages, and offers are dynamically customized to cater to their specific needs and interests. This personalization can greatly enhance the user experience and encourage further engagement.


When representatives from your targeted account visit your site, dynamically adjust the homepage to feature case studies and products relevant to the retail industry.

Events and Webinars: 

Hosting or participating in events and webinars provides opportunities for direct engagement with key contacts within the target accounts. These events can be tailored to address specific pain points or topics of interest to the accounts, making them more relevant and engaging.


Host an exclusive virtual panel discussion on the future of technology adoption in higher education. Invite key decision-makers from universities and colleges, and structure the conversation around case studies showcasing successful tech integrations.

Related Blog:  Make it Count: Your Comprehensive Guide for Success at Your Next B2B Expo

Direct Mail:

Traditional direct mail campaigns are integrated into ABM by sending personalized physical materials, such as letters, brochures, or gifts, to key contacts within the target accounts. This offline touchpoint can complement online efforts and help create a lasting impression.


Send a customized thank-you package to executives in the food and beverage industry who recently attended your exclusive culinary event. Include a personalized chef's apron, gourmet recipes, and an invitation to your next event.

Related Blog: Key Distinctions: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) vs. Traditional Marketing .

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 

ABM aligns with SEO efforts by optimizing content to rank well in search results for keywords or topics relevant to the target accounts. This ensures that the accounts can easily find your content when conducting online searches.


Optimize your website for keywords related to sustainable construction practices if you're targeting construction companies. Create landing pages that emphasize how your company or organization can provide continued value. 

Written by Raycheal Proctor

Don't forget to schedule a time to discuss how UMM can help align your business for success. We are EXPERTS at extracting and polishing data to make your marketing/sales efforts fruitful. 

Our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and innovative solutions to propel your business forward in today's competitive landscape. 

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